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How to install the Gyro Kit

Congratulations on purchasing a Wildcat Mini BMX Gyro Kit. You can now spin your bars for days 😻😻😻

Wildcat Gyro Kit | Mini BMX Bike


To install the Gyro Kit, follow these instructions:

  1. Ensure that the threaded portion of the upper adjusting barrel is flush with or slightly protrudes through the bottom of the upper cable stop. 
  2. Ensure that the threaded portion of the lower adjusting barrel is flush with or slightly protrudes through the top of the lower cable stop.
  3. Attach the upper cable to the brake lever. Ensure that the adjusting barrel is fully tightened in the brake lever.
  4. Pull the link wire on the rear brake assembly until the brake shoes are touching the rim wall and tighten the brake bolt. The lower cable tension should be tight.
  5. Ensure that the brake shoes are positioned as per the diagram.
  6. Adjust the tension on the upper cable at the Y junction to ensure that there is sufficient tension on the cable stops to keep the cable ends in place in the rotor unit.

You can also find some additional instructions here 

Wildcat Gyro Kit installation instructions